How do I progress along the path of Centering Prayer?

  • The way begins to transform through faith and trust in God by faithfulness to a regular practice of Centering Prayer. Begin with 20 minutes twice a day.
  • Develop a discipline of letting go. In Centering Prayer this is to gently return to the sacred word whenever we are aware of any thought, feeling or impression in the Centering Prayer practice.
  • Read Fr. Thomas Keating’s book “Open Mind, Open Heart”. The first reading is usually at an intellectual level, but that is only the first step. Reading the book a few times brings it to a deeper level within the heart.
  • Attend an introductory workshop or take an on-line course on Centering Prayer.
  • Join a Centering Prayer group: see meeting times and places for our Centering Prayer groups  listed under the ‘about us’ tab.
  • the support of other like- minded individuals; is a key element in strengthening, and helping you to grow and mature in your Centering Prayer practice.